Homeless man charged with overnight Lincoln Road rape in South Beach
A homeless woman told Miami Beach police a homeless man raped her on Lincoln Road near the Apple store overnight Wednesday.
Miami Beach police arrested Tony Prado on one count of sexual battery.
“Tony Prado” is one of the 72-year-old’s 15 aliases. Sexual battery isn’t one of the 11 charges for which Prado did four prison terms from 2000-2010.
The woman told police Prado interrupted her slumber against a wall in the 1000 block of Lincoln Road by tapping on her leg around 3:30 a.m.. Once she awoke, he resumed masturbating in front of her. His subsequent request that she remove her leggings came with the claim he had a gun.
The woman guessed Prado found her legging removal too slow because he yanked them down and proceded to rape her. Only the passing of a cyclist, the woman said, discombobulated Prado enough that he stopped and left.
She walked a half block to Finnegan’s Road, a bar on the corner of Lincoln Road and Michigan Avenue, where she got someone to call police for her. As she took police back to the spot of the attack, Prado rode past on Lennox Avenue. Police eventually apprehended him.
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